We can honestly say we are all doing great. Although it is just a lot logistically at times to figure out between doctors appointments and running a business and having a job and naps and cleaning the house and remembering all the medicine and... and... and... we often say this has all be fairly easy. Only by the Grace of God can we say that. He has truly given us strength in the times we have needed it most.
The hardest part has been separating the girls. They call themselves twins. They intuitively know what the other one wants and some how has that twin telepathy thing. They are best friends who like to do everything together.
To exasperate this idea that they are twins... Lately at the clinic they have been dressing exactly alike to try and 'trick' the nurses and doctors. They want to see if others can tell the two apart. Good thing the doctors and nurses have become family and play along sometimes 'confusing them'. Despite always wanting to be together and do everything together, Amberlynn always let's Avery do the hard work at the clinic and never actually lets the nurses give her medicine instead of Avery when the nurses have "mistakenly" identified Amberlynn as Avery. 🙃
There are really only two scenarios in which we don't keep the girls together, days in which the clinic visit is super long and when Avery was in the hospital. Other than that Amberlynn likes to be involved and honestly Avery does better having her around. While we (Avery and mommy or daddy) were in the hospital, Avery would have days that she wouldn't want to move much or eat much, but as soon as Ambee showed up for her evening visit Avery would be up running around like a typically 2 year old and eating whatever Ambee was. They are better together. When we have had to have them go in separate directions, even if for just a few hours, their reunion is always the sweetest with big running hugs and squeals of delight. Even the nurses at the hospital have said that their favorite part of the day was seeing Amberlynn and Avery see each other for the first time.
Both girls are coping really well with everything going on. They each have had their sad moments and needed extra love, but for the most part things have been 'easy'. We know this is not often the case and don't take this notion lightly.
Amberlynn likes to come along to all of the clinic visits and does amazing at knowing when to step in and help/support Avery and when she needs to sit quietly in the background. She is wise beyond her years which has made for some intense conversations prompted by her but also opened the door for her to be the most supportive, loving, and caring older sister. She likes to watch everything going on because she is going to be an emergency doctor some day and have her picture on the wall of children's, so she needs to watch to know what to do. Mimi has even bought her board books that teaches her doctor things to help with her love for everything doctor. If there is ever a code called at the hospital/clinic while we are there she goes running to the door, 'sorry mom I have to go they are calling for me!' Someday she really will be the one responding!! 😁 For now, we just deal with the tears as she isn't allowed to help. She gives and loves with her whole heart and is so sad when she can't help.
The girls are each others biggest supporters and are currently enjoying summer together. Going for walks. Playing at the park. Splashing each other in the water table. Sharing ice cream and special treats from the food trucks. Cuddling on the couch watching movies and everything else in between. We are doing great and enjoying as much of a normal summer as possible!
But if you don't believe me... here are the girls answers in their own words!
Name: Amberlynn Grace Deme
Age: 4
Favorite thing to do: Make bracelets for my mom and daddy
Favorite food: Broccoli and Cucumbers
How are you doing? Gooooood
Favorite thing about your sister: My favorite thing is when we play together but NOT when she pushes me and hurts my back
Favorite thing about the clinic/hospital: I like when I can visit my sister at the hospital with my daddy or papa
Least favorite thing about the clinic/hospital: I don't like when we have to stay there ALLLLLLLLL day, it's very very boring
What do you want to be when you grow up: Emergency tap dancing doctor
What do you want everyone to know: I want everyone know that God is there when bad things happen to you and the hospital helps you if you have sick lungs, or hurt legs or get bo-bo's
Name: Me- Avery
Age: Two
Favorite thing to do: Octonauts
Favorite food: Pretzels, Steak, Noodle, Popcorn
How are you doing: I two (repeat question) I good
Favorite thing about your sister: Sleep together
Favorite thing about the clinic/hospital: Medicine
Least favorite thing about the clinic/hospital: No Thank you Butterfly kiss (aka shot)
What do you want to be when you grow up: uh... popcorn
What do you want everyone to know: I don't know