Three weeks ago we started our last phase before Maintence. It was supposed to start a week earlier, but Avery's blood work was showing her body wasn't quite ready last week.
Every Friday morning we have dance class, then we swing by target for tons of snacks and finally hunker down at the clinic.
Afternoon appointments are rough because it disrupts both of the girls naps. Morning appointments are rough because we have to wake up the girls to get here in time. So neither option is great, but I prefer mornings because I don't like missing out on my nap either 😴💤💤💤
With the start of this last phase we can now identify the last day of treatment for Avery!
November 3, 2024
is now my new favorite date ever!!! It's the very last day of chemo and treatment. Although it's over a year away it seems so close!
Once we are out of these next 3 weeks of robust treatment... we will only be in clinic every 3-5 weeks for the remainder of our year of treatment. There is an end in sight and now everyone knows it!!! It's hard to imagine not seeing all of our friends (aka the nurses, CNA's, doctors, front desk staff, even the food service staff, greeters and pharmaceutics) on a regular basis. They have truly become family! Avery wore her dance outfit to the clinic today to show everyone. We teased that at the end of year recital we should just buy all the tickets and have Avery's whole cheering section be there!! It is a miracle for her to even be in dance! Most people who are in DI2 (the phase she is in) can barely get out of bed let alone do a whole dance class! She continues to astound the doctors!
Praise God for her full energy and ability to function as a normal 2 year old girl!!!!
We had a new doctor today who we've never met before. She was shocked at how well Avery was doing and she already had one of her four chemos for the day! Avery is a blessing. Doctors come in stressed and leaving smiling and giggling. We love being a shining light even if Avery is annoyed to be going to the clinic for the 3rd time this week... see picture below!