The last two weeks were that of a waiting period. We went to the cottage and enjoyed time together as a family and then had a normal week at home.
As of yesterday, Avery's numbers have rebounded and we are on to Phase 7.
This seems like the easiest phase we have done!!
This is a month long treatment of 3 different chemos but they are all taken orally and AT HOME!!!!
Originally we were told that we would need to spend two days in the hospital getting one of the chemos through IV and then carefully monitoring her to make sure the chemo left her body every week. BUT the protocol changed and we are now doing everything from home!!
Avery takes two chemo's daily through oral medications and then a third chemo every Friday through oral medications. Other than that we just check in with the doctors weekly in clinic for blood work to monitor and make sure she doesn't need extra help during the treatment with infusions and such.
She is the best medicine taker, which is weird to say about a 2 year old. But she has truly become very good at taking it and often requests to do it by herself. Sometimes she even asks that Ambee helps and those are Amberlynn's favorite nights when she feels included.
The next month should be pretty low key with just a once a week check up. So there may not be a lot to report. We will enjoy our time of being 'normal'. Her numbers are high enough that we can enjoy summer activities without much risk like going to the petting zoo and county fairs. So our next few updates will most likely just be us enjoying life!
Phase 8 is intense again. It will repeat phase 6 that we just completed. It starts with 3 clinic visits a week for chemo and the 1-3-3 schedule with clinic visits and home nurses as well. That phase will last for about 6 weeks and then we are in Phase 9. The phase that means we are nearing the end! Phase 9 last for about a year. We go in once a month for chemo treatments and check ups but other than that Avery will be cleared to be a normal 2 year old. So we have signed her up for dance class (to be put on hold until November but we wanted to secure her a spot) and Ambee up for preschool (too many germs last year so we held off a year to keep everyone safe).
The end of treatment is in sight and we give God all the glory that this has been a quickier process for us than most.
Avery has flown through treatment because she hasn't gotten sick, her numbers rebound pretty quickly and there haven't been any bumps or issues along the way!
Cheers to phase 7 and enjoying time outside of the clinic!