The last two weeks have been short and sweet clinic visits.
Last week Dr M asked 'Why are we even making her come in? Can't we check her counts at home? She is too healthy to be here. She is just an angel.'
We haven't seen Dr M in months as we have a long list of doctors and nurse practitioners that help see Avery. He was genuinely confused as to why the other doctors who oversee Avery scheduled in clinic visits instead of following from a far and doing home care blood tests. Miranda (our favorite nurse and case manager) quickly responded 'because selfishly everyone wants to see Avery in clinic as she is our day brightener!'
Praise GOD that even through all of this, his light is shining through.
Avery's numbers dropped a little last week as to be expected with being on her 2nd week of oral chemo. But they were still just below normal range, so nothing to even think twice about.
We were in and out in 30 minutes. We were even early to OT.
Avery got to paint, play puzzles, show off her amazing ability to do beads and cut with scissors. She finished the required test far surpassing expectations not only for where she is in treatment but also compared to other kids her age not receiving treatment. She finished so quickly that the therapist and her just played in the gym together. They went bowling, crawled through tunnels, jumped on the trampoline and had fun making up dances and a tag game. Avery didn't want to leave but quickly said thank you and good bye when I reminder her we were headed to a picnic lunch at the park. Our next OT appointment got pushed out to 1.5 month because Avery was looking and doing so good they don't need to see her every month any more.
This week was also a very quick in and out appointment. They took her blood and didn't even leave her port. Normally they leave it in 'just in case' she needs some kind of extra medicine or infusion to help while they wait for blood counts to come back. Ms Rosie said she looked to remarkable to even think about her needing support. When Ms Lori came in to check on Avery she entered the room saying 'So I hear she looks remarkable and is cute as can be!'
We haven't seen Ms Lori since she released us from the hospital back in April. She couldn't get over how amazing Avery looked and was doing or how big she has gotten. In the last two weeks Avery has grown and changed. She looks like a three year old. She has a pre-schoolers body and face. She is bold and brave and loves to talk to everyone where she used to be much more reserved.
Avery and Ms Lori ended up having a dance party together. Avery taught her all the ballet moves Ambee has been teaching her. Ms Lori gave her blessing for Avery to start dance class in the fall!!
We had two praise God moments today.
Avery's numbers surprised everyone by going up since last week. Typically we see a steady decline during her treatments and then have to wait in between phases to see the rebound. Her numbers rebounded today even though she is still under treatment!
We were told a story of how much a blessing our family is. Last week we brought cookies to the clinic. We didn't know that at the end of the day the clinic nurses bring whatever they haven't eaten up to the nurses on the ward. One of our primary Dr's was up on the ward having a rough day with everything going on. When the cookies were brought up and said that they were from Avery, his whole day turned around. It was the bright spot in his day that he needed to keep going. Our Dr today told us this story as she had been on the ward with him last week. She said that this other doctor normally never takes food, but he did last Friday and didn't share any of the cookies. She said it was so nice to see him smile on such a hard day.
We praise God for Avery's health but also that we can let Jesus' light shine through us!
Please continue to pray for the whole Hemotology/ oncology clinic and hospital ward. Raise up those patients and families!
We have two weeks left of this 'easy phase' which Ms Lori responded... 'What have we done to you that you think coming to the clinic once a week and any phase of this is easy?' Next week we have a speech therapy session, physical therapy and quick clinic check up.
Have a blessed weekend and know that we are praying for you as well!